I was more afraid of the persecussion that I was assured I would have to face, before the bigA.
Finger nails being ripped out, and things they could do with a red hot poker, are very frightenning for a child.
do you fear armageddon as a child?
me personally not so much, then 9/11 happend and things started to change and i started getting scared of it.
how about you?
I was more afraid of the persecussion that I was assured I would have to face, before the bigA.
Finger nails being ripped out, and things they could do with a red hot poker, are very frightenning for a child.
they caught up with me at the meeting today which was the first one i have been to an a couple months.
i also missed the co's visit and the circuit assembly and havent been out in fs in 8 months or more.
i only went today for my wifes benefit i personally have a hard time listening to thier one sided warped view of the world.
Publishing cult.
Glad you were just joking about the tetrahydrozoline
An urban legend suggests that tetrahydrozoline can cause violent diarrhea if administered orally, such as by putting a few drops of Visine in an unsuspecting person's beverage. However, the actual results may be worse, varying from severe nausea and vomiting to seizures or a coma. Diarrhea is not a side effect
Earl Grey is perfect on its own. I recommend drinking it from the very best cup you possess.
well i went with the wife today to the sunday circuit assembly.
it is really sad to listen to the talks and see the many people that i know.
one talk actually suggested that wisdow is wrong , to me it was just more support that we have all you need why do any research on your own.
At one of my last assemblies a brother said:
If you are serving Jehovah and are suffering, its normal: Satan is trying to break your integrety.
If you do not obey Jehovah, and are suffering, what can you expect. True peace comes only from serving Jehovah.
So its heads they win tails you lose.
i was terrible at prayers.
it was hard for me to talk to someone i can't see or hear.
everyone else put their heads down at the dinner table so i needed to do the same or i'll look suspicious.
Its been so long since I said a prayer. I remember that it seemed really strange the first time I ate at my mums and didnt say a prayer. I was a little afraid of what she was going to say, but she didnt say a word.
No doubt she spent the evening praying for me though.
according to an ex-jw who still half-believes in the jws, we're all a bunch of bitter apostates that can't move on.. do you agree?.
Jehovahs witnesses are not allowed to be different. They must all think alike, act alike etc etc.
Here on the forum, it is not like that. People can say what they think ( respectfully of course ). Your friend doesnt seem ready to fully appreciate that. So he interpretes that as biterness.
I've been on the forum for two weeks. I feel better in myself ( Mrs Picard has noticed too). It has helped me a lot, not just to be able to have my say, but especially to read the experiences of other posters. Long live "freeness of speech"and individuality.
i don't know whether this has ever been asked, so i apologize if i'm repeating.. what did you do at the last meeting you ever attended?
did you stay for the whole thing?
what made you realize that this was your last meeting, or did you not know it would be your last meeting??.
WT Wizard isn't the shredding theraputic?? We burnt everything that belonged to the dubs
In a rage, I threw everything into the dustbin, just after my neice phoned to say that her husband said I wasnt welcome in their house. The hypocrite had his Df'd brother round often enough.
I had a bad conscience afterwards though, imagining an experience " dustbin man finds "truth" whilst emptying trash".
Wish I'd done the same as WTWizard.
Maybe that could be the title of a new thread: " what to do with unwanted dub propaganda."
at the same time that i left the borg, my whole life changed, much more than i would.
ever have imagined.. i was, i admit, a little afraid.
that was when i heard this song for the first time.
I wasnt particularly thinking of fear of leaving the Borg.
But if you're born in, the real world can be a little daunting.
We can feel like a fish out of water.
i don't know whether this has ever been asked, so i apologize if i'm repeating.. what did you do at the last meeting you ever attended?
did you stay for the whole thing?
what made you realize that this was your last meeting, or did you not know it would be your last meeting??.
An interesting tread watersprout. I enjoyed reading the experiences.
I read up some of your older threads too. Hope you are getting better.
at the same time that i left the borg, my whole life changed, much more than i would.
ever have imagined.. i was, i admit, a little afraid.
that was when i heard this song for the first time.
At the same time that I left the Borg, my whole life changed, much more than I would
ever have imagined.
I was, I admit, a little afraid. That was when I heard this song for the first time.
It inspired me to face up to my fears, and embrace the rewards for doing so.
That is why I wish to share it with you all.
“The Rose” Bette Midler.
“It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance
It's the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance
It's the one who won't be taken
who cannot seem to give
and the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live”.
Its ok to be afraid. But try not to let it paralyse you. Life beyond fear is wonderful.
So what helped you overcome your fears.
once again we received the may 15th " witness only " wt from our lurking jw friend.
even though i've been out for over 7 years and haven't attended in that long - i never cease to be amazed at the arrogance of this patriarchal man pleasing wt society in it's dismissive attitude towards women .
it's horrible.
Hi Lady Lee.
I hope you are ok today.
Newsflash to any JW wife - What if you disagree with your husband because he's being a idiot making DANGEROUS and HURTFUL decisions which could put your family and yourself in danger ??
She would probably be told to "wait on Jehovah".